Mona Williams, Unified Creativity

Mona began her career in Education as a second grade teacher in Sunflower, Kansas. During her first year of teaching she had a student in her class who was waiting for his eighth birthday to be placed in a special class which was called then a class for mentally retarded students. Mona thought she needed to take a class in special education so she could help her student who will be in her class until May. After her first graduate class she realized he was not mentally retarded but was part of a new special education group labeled learning disabled. She was determined to help her student and by the following school year she developed the first Resource Room model for Learning Disabled students in the state. Mona continued her graduate work until she received her masters and doctorate and was on university and college faculties where she helped graduate schools throughout the country develop Resource Programs for Learning Disabled students.
After giving birth to her three sons, she and her husband relocated to the northwest and she decided to not work full time with three children under five. That was when she developed her nonprofit and named it Unified Creativity.
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