Simple Wellness Co.

Simple Wellness Co.
Nic Armitstead
101 West Montana Ave, Roslyn WA 98941
Next door to Simple Indulgence Wellness
IG: @simplewellness_co
At the 2024 Wellness Fair:
Nic will provide chair massage for $20/15 mins. Participants will be required to complete a brief release and waiver and sign up for a 15 min time slot (offered on the half hour) Cash or Square payment accepted. We will offer them $20 off their first in office session if booked during the event for a session in May or June.
We will also be offering Simple Wellness Co created products including soap, essential oil blends, EO (reed) diffusers, and other skin and body care. We will focus on offering our subscription deliver or basic cleaning items with a discounted first month.